The competitive buyer modality (or rational temperament) is among the least prevalent in the general population. Competitives make up 5-10% of the general population.
Competitive buyers are problem solvers. They are pragmatic, logical, analytical, and skeptical. They are independent and strong willed. Competitives work towards their goals.
Competitives are your improvement experts. They are keen learners. They love complexity. They are drawn to challenges. They are good planners. They will look for methods to help them reach their goals. They will want to know what your product can do for them. They are logical and efficient. They will want to work quickly and will disregard authorities or procedures that get in their way.
Competitive buyers are goal-oriented. They will have a keen understanding of their problem. They will seek to understand your product to determine how best to apply it to improve their situation. They are logical and absorbed. Independent, they will take a skeptical attitude towards all ideas. Self-assured, they believe that they can overcome any obstacle.
Tips for marketing and selling to competitive buyers:
- Appeal: Drawn to superiority. Want to understand what makes your product the best.
- Website: Provide proof of your competitive advantages. Demonstrate your credibility.
- Information Needs: Answer questions on how your product is the better choice. Provide rational options. Share proof points.
- Understand: What makes your product the best solution. They will take an analytical, logical approach.
- Process: Will work through the process as efficiently as possible. They will disregard steps that waste time and resources. Let them drive. Don't get in their way.
- Time: They will work quickly with absorption. Because they hate inefficiency, quickly deliver what they need.
- Risk: Are willing to take risk. Confident in themselves to ultimately solve the problem.
- Decision: Want to know they have selected the best solution for the job. Will want to reach this decision quickly and efficiently.
Competitive introverts versus competitive extroverts
Like all of the other modalities, competitive buyers come in introverts and extroverts. Introverts have a low tolerance for verbal communications that don't move them forwards. They want to gather their information in the most efficient way. Competitive extroverts tend to be bigger picture thinkers, absorbing information from a wide variety of sources. In both cases, they will need to start with research, spend time analyzing, and quickly get to the bottom line. Sales interactions should focus on connecting them with the experts and making the process work quickly and efficiently.